Telescopic Topics

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

A Meeting comprising member contributions on various astronomy themes. your chance to show the section observations you have made, equipment you are using or anything else that has interested you and would like to participate as a speaker please let the secretary know beforehand.

Wildlife Photography

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Tracey will give us the second half of her talk showing us her images from the Falkland island.

Measuring Under The Microscope

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Ever wonder what the small bar and numbers are on some microscope images? The microscope allows us to make very precise measurements, but you need to know how to calibrate the microscope and make measurements and counting.

Curation Group

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

We meet fortnightly to work on the Society's Collections, Cleaning and sorting them and making databases to facilitate use of them. No previous experience needed, all are welcome. Come and have real hand-on pleasure with some fascinating objects

The Heat Is On – The Major Heatwaves Of 2022

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

We will watch a pre-recorded talk to the Royal Meteorological Society by Dr Chloe Brimcombe, Heatwave Researcher at the University of Reading. There were many record-breaking and unprecedented heatwaves around the world in 2022 including Argentina, Australia, India, Pakistani, China and across Europe and parts of the US. This makes this a very important year to review in terms of not only the meteorology of heatwaves but also in terms of impacts.

All About Plants – Plant Identification

Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Sean Karley will continue the series of talk about The Plant kingdom. He will try to cover all aspects of Botany.


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

A themed competition for up to three digital and/or print images per member per round. Entries in this round to illustrate 'Light and Shade'


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

N by Mike Foulkes, Director of the Saturn Section of the British Astronomical Association. A close look at this spectacular planet with its rings and numerous moons It is a favourite target through the eye piece for every observer new or experienced. Guests are welcome to all our meetings.


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Come along and hear how the section has been doing, elect our office bearers, and have a say in how the photographic section and its competitions are run. This is the place to put forward your ideas for the section’s future direction.


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

by Tim Newton. Tim is a nationally renowned expert on Beetles and is a fun and friendly source of great knowledge. He will lead a session on the very varied world of beetles. If you wish have help to identifying a beetle please bring along an image.


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

We meet fortnightly to work on the Society’s Collections, cleaning and sorting them and making databases to facilitate use of them. No previous experience needed, all are welcome. Come and have real “hands-on” pleasure with some fascinating objects.


Northamptonshire Natural History Society The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

The Geology Section will hold a short AGM, followed by a film from the Society’s geological collection.