Dino Dome

Dino Dome "Dinosaurs At Dusk – the Origins of Flight" Watch a  free 30-minute film called “Dinosaurs At Dusk – the Origins of Flight” in our Dino Dome between 11am and 4pm. Families will be able to travel back in time through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous geological periods in search of the ancestors of modern-day birds, the feathered dinosaurs. Join a father and his teenage daughter as they travel back in time navigating from continent to continent, exploring an Earth teeming with dinosaurs in search for clues on the origins of flight. Racing against time, they paraglide through ancient skies with Quetzalcoatlus, flee from raptors and traverse deserts with Argentinosaurus. They walk through rain forests, climb ice cliffs, sail over primordial seas and parachute into a huge sinkhole in their search for the first flying birds. When time runs out they even experience first-hand the cataclysmic ‘final day’ of the dinosaurs.”’’ The Dino Dome will be situated on the Market Square and will have Virtual Reality headsets available. These activities will provide a fun and educational opportunity, and will allow visitors the chance to be fully immersed in the land of the Dinosaurs. To view the trailer, please visit...


Business Tidy Day

town centre

Businesses are being invited to join us, the street cleaning team and the Mayor for a morning of litter picking in the town centre. August 23 will form the focal point of a week of action across the town. Other days will see similar activities organised by Northampton Town Council, with each councillor taking the lead for their individual wards. It forms part of a series of projects to tidy up the town, encouraging all business owners to take pride in their premises and get Northampton looking its best. Businesses are also encouraged to clean their windows, sweep the pavements, paint woodwork and carry out any tasks to tidy-up their doorways, taking before and after pictures to show the difference they have made. All businesses will be promoted through our social media. If you are interested please email info@northamptonbid.co.uk