- Interior fit out plans for Vulcan Works outlined in Cabinet reportThe costings and timescales for the interior fit out of the Vulcan Works Creative Hub, required to ensure...
- Northampton awarded full £25 million from Towns FundThe Government has announced that Northampton will receive £25 million from its Towns Fund to kickstart a raft...
- Top of the shops – more than 1,500 town centre shoppers vote for their favouritesIn a survey conducted by Northampton Business Improvement District (BID) shoppers have voted for their favourite town centre...
- Northampton Forward submits £37.2 million Towns Fund bid to GovernmentLast year, Northampton was selected as one of 101 locations across England which were invited to develop proposals...
- Prize draw winners choose town centre businessesNorthampton Business Improvement District (BID) launched its new £2,000 Festive Prize Draw in November – announcing that a...
- Business Hero – Stewart Wright from NuovoMeet Stewart Wright, owner of Abington Street's Nuovo Restaurant ... Stewart, whose restaurant recently celebrated its sixth birthday,...