"A Home for Harmony" follows the touching story of Sam, a disabled person, and their loyal assistance dog, Bouncer. Their home is disrupted when a stray cat named Harmony appears on their doorstep and is welcomed into their family. This act of kindness leads to growing frustration and unhappiness in Bouncer, causing a rift between the two animals. However, when an unexpected event leaves Sam missing, Bouncer and Harmony must overcome their differences, rescue their beloved owner, and decide if they can truly learn to live together in harmony. Please follow the link to find out more about a people's theatre collective production 'A Home for Harmony' - https://www.peoplestheatrecollective.org.uk/a-home-for... 'A Home for Harmony' will be performed at Northamptonshire Central Library on Thursday 8th of August at 10:30am. The free performance is suitable for under 5s and their families. Please speak to a member of staff or email northampton.libraryplus@westnorthants.gov.uk to book your place.