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Christmas Lyric Trail

town centre

We have teamed up with West Northamptonshire Council to stage an interactive Christmas song lyric trail around the town centre throughout December. Using the LoyalFree app, visitors to the town will be given a list of locations to visit where they need to answer questions and complete the lyrics from favourite Christmas songs. The LoyalFree app can be downloaded by visiting or by searching for ‘LoyalFree’ in your app store. The Christmas Song Lyric Trail is delivered by Northampton Town Centre BID and funded by West Northamptonshire Council.


Free family fun at Northampton’s market this Christmas

commercial street Commercial Street, northampton

People across Northampton are invited down to Northampton’s Market at Commercial Street to join in free ice-skating and curling this Christmas. Taking place on 9 and 10 December and 16 to 22 December between 10am and 4pm, people are advised to put on their skates and join in the festive fun. Northampton BID has kindly sponsored this year's curling lane event. West Northamptonshire Council is working with market traders to deliver a free events programme to offer something for everyone. Following the summer of fun throughout the summer holidays, we’re pleased to extend this throughout December. All skates and equipment are provided free of charge. To help support with access to the market’s temporary location at Commercial Street, WNC is working with Bounds to offer free journeys for the bus station to the market. Simply press a button at either location and a free taxi will be called to take you to or from the market. To find out more about the local produce, gifts and services on offer at the Northampton Market, visit Love Northampton Market on Facebook.