Thank you to everyone who nominated a Business Hero this year. As we come to the end of this very challenging year, we would like to take a moment to say thank you all our valued Northampton town centre BID businesses.

We have seen such inspiring dedication and resilience during 2020 from our town centre shops, restaurants, pubs and businesses.

You are all Business Heroes.

Do you have a ‘Business Hero’ in mind?

Our Business Heroes will be individuals or teams who, over the lockdown period, have:

  • Made a real difference to colleagues, family and friends
  • Been passionate about making the town centre the very best it possibly can be
  • Been instrumental in making positive changes to the town centre
  • Given back – to the community, customers and the town centre

Our Heroes must own or be employed by a Northampton town centre BID-levy paying business.

They could be:

  • A server at your favourite eatery, who always gives you a smile and never forgets how you take your coffee
  • Someone who makes you happy to be shopping and doing business in the town centre
  • Someone who has taken extra steps to make you feel safe and secure during the COVID-19 restrictions
  • Someone committed to giving back and making a difference to the community, whether it be by running fundraising events, raising money for charity, or inspiring you to give locally
  • Anyone who makes you smile, who inspires, who makes you proud to be doing business in Northampton town centre

The BID team will visit nominated individuals and businesses to create short films/photo about what they have achieved. Businesses will also get given ‘Northampton Business Heroes’ social media tiles to proudly display across their own social media channels.