- Northampton awarded £1 million to remediate key siteThe Government has awarded Northampton £1 million to help ready the former Marks and Spencer site in Abington...
- Business Hero Yasmin – Matchbox CafeYasmin Argent of Abington Street based Matchbox Café has been crowned our latest Business Hero – praised for...
- Mystery shoppers crown Northampton town centre topVisitors to Northampton centre feel safe, confident and keen to return – these are the findings from market...
- Meet Sylvia Oates, our Renewal Event speakerSylvia Oates is owner of Six Till Six Ltd and is a keynote speaker at the BID’s Renewal...
- Meet our renewal event speaker Paul McManusPaul McManus is Director McManus Pub Co Ltd and is a keynote speaker at the BID’s Renewal event...