Northampton Town Centre BID are seeking a new local PR Partner/Agency who will bring a fresh and innovative approach for our new BID term which will run from 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2026.
This exciting opportunity will assist us in providing digital PR such as social media and reputation management support, plus occasional related marketing/copywriting services, for example content for newsletters.
Our preference is to appoint an agency that is based in or near Northampton Town Centre who can assist us with strategies, tactics and good local press relations which are important for the BID delivery of projects.
A BID is unlike any other company/organisation with our remit one of providing additionality, and whilst we are promoting the activities to the public, our key audience is the businesses who pay the levy to improve their trading environment via these activities.
In previous years, we have run a wide variety of projects including the production of magazines, social media campaigns, and projects to encourage business engagement and footfall. We now look forward to welcoming a new partner/agency to join our team who is passionate about the projects to showcase our town.
For full details, please view our PR TENDER BRIEF DOCUMENT.